North, South, East, West

Psalm 103_12_North South East West

As far as the north is from the south,  so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Most of you are probably scratching your head right now, for that’s not what Psalm 103:12 says.  As you likely know, the verse actually reads, “As far as the east is from the west,  so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”  But have you ever wondered why the writer didn’t choose north from south, versus east from west? 

I had never considered it until recently myself.  At first glance it wouldn’t seem to matter much.  After all, the Earth is round (sorry you flat-earthers), and if you traveled in a perfect line any direction, you’d eventually end back at exactly the same spot.  But there is a subtle, yet significant, difference  in the way our travel would be described. 

For instance, if I started from my home in Missouri, and headed due east and never turned, I would always be traveling east.  There would never be a time I was traveling west.  However, the same cannot be said for north/south travel.  If I began from the same spot and traveled due north, something would change at the North Pole.  Even if I were to continue in the same line, I would thereafter be traveling south.  Passing Antarctica, I’d stop heading south, and begin going north once again.

As far as the north may be from the south – that distance just was not adequate for God when He wanted His children to understand just how far He separates our sins from us.  They never return to us.  And through Christ, the penalty for those sins has been removed just as far!  

My friends, when God says He removes something – He REMOVES it!  The way He has removed it was for His Son to take all that sin upon Himself; to pay the penalty for it all on the cross.  We no longer owe anything for it other than our undying love, gratitude, and praise.  North and south are good.  East and west are better.  Faith in Christ is best! –Dave

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A Teachable Heart, as described in Mark 4:20, is 'good soil' that hears and understands God's Word, accepts it as His revealed truth, and applies it to produce fruit. Learn more about the ministry at:
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