Largeness of Heart

As Solomon took the throne of Israel from his father David, he wisely asked God for the wisdom he would need to lead a nation (1 Kings 3:9).  For making such a humble request, the Lord gave Solomon the wisdom he asked for, plus riches and honor he didn’t request (1 Kings 3:13).  The following chapter summarized God’s gifts to Solomon this way:

“God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.” (1 Kings 4:29, NKJV)

Solomon’s wisdom and understanding are legendary.  Who hasn’t wished they had the wisdom of Solomon?  But it was the next phrase which really caught my attention – largeness of heart.  To be honest, I wasn’t sure what it meant, but I knew that I wanted it.  Or more correctly, I needed it. 

Bible scholars and translators have struggled through the years to find the right English words to accurately describe what God had granted Solomon.  Some say it was another element of the mind related to wisdom and understanding, such as “insight” or “discernment.”  That’s certainly not incorrect, but it also seems incomplete.

The Hebrew word transliterated as “heart” in the NKJ and “mind” in the ESV is “leb” (pronounced LAY-be) means “the inner man, soul, mind, will, affections, or heart.”  It’s a very big word which encompasses far more than just the mind; the heart and soul are involved too.  I’d welcome God to expand my heart and soul in such a way so I’d continuously have love to share with others. 

I also want God to expand my interests, affections, and desires.  I want to grow in heart, mind, and soul as I age, avoiding the tendency of letting my world shrink as I grow older.  I want to remain curious and flexible, not becoming rigid and “set in my ways.”  Thankfully, with God’s help, it’s possible for all of us to have largeness of heart!

How’s the heart?  Is it large and getting bigger?  Or is it shrinking as you age?  Together, let’s ask God to give us largeness of heart! –Dave

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About The Teachable Heart

A Teachable Heart, as described in Mark 4:20, is 'good soil' that hears and understands God's Word, accepts it as His revealed truth, and applies it to produce fruit. Learn more about the ministry at:
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