Tag Archives: Honor

Remembering Second Place

Golf legend Walter Hagan once quipped, “Nobody remembers who came in second.”  Ordinarily, I’d agree with him.  But for the last two days, we’ve looked at the unlikely friendship between Jesse Owens, the black American Olympian, and his chief rival … Continue reading

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Share the Shame?

We live in a day when all of our mistakes have a good chance of being recorded on somebody’s cell phone and uploaded to numerous social media sites in an instant.  Within minutes we may “trend, “go viral” or become … Continue reading

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Deceitful or Delightful?

“Used car salesman.”  When you hear the phrase, what do you think?  Perhaps words such as, “dishonest, sleazy, swindler, or deceptive” come to mind.  For a variety of reasons, I’ve begun looking for a new(er) car.  I’m not sure what … Continue reading

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Honor Them with T-I-M-E!

As you’re probably aware, the first four commandments deal with how we’re to relate to God.  The next six deal with how we relate to our fellow man.  And at the head of that second list is this command, “Honor … Continue reading

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