Heaping Coals

“If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.” (Proverb 25:21-22)

I truly misunderstood these verses for a long time. I always thought they meant that if we practice kindness toward our enemies we’d really be getting to them – we’d “burn ‘em” with kindness and they’d burn with guilt and shame. While there may be some merit to that understanding, somehow that didn’t seem to be the kind of motive God would really want to reward, so I was admittedly confused.

This is an example of how historical context helps us understand the writer’s intended message. In ancient times, when homes were heated, and food was prepared over open flames, constantly having a fire was very important. And the cultural tradition of that day was to provide hot coals to anyone who needed them. For instance, if a traveler was passing by at night, the custom was to place hot coals in a jar that they would carry on their head. These coals would keep the traveler warm as they walked along, and when they reached their destination, the hot coals could be used to start a new fire.

So, heaping burning coals was simply another way to practically bless others. And, in a sense, giving food and water to our enemies is a prelude to warming their soul. By providing for their physical needs in a practical way, they may warm to the message of our God. For that, He will reward us. –Dave

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About The Teachable Heart

A Teachable Heart, as described in Mark 4:20, is 'good soil' that hears and understands God's Word, accepts it as His revealed truth, and applies it to produce fruit. Learn more about the ministry at: www.TheTeachableHeart.com
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